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Feeling Fearful...

Our psyches are a bit like a vacuum; they absorb fearful sentiments, and we soon find ourselves holding back and lacking courage. And Because so much of the world runs on fear. Between all the killer viruses, inflation, global warming, war, and AI takeover, it can be so easy to feel fearful and even fall into a scarcity mindset

So, when we are feeling fearful, we can do everything possible to fill our minds and hearts with loving, hopeful, and optimistic sentiments. We must consciously decide to live with courage, recognizing the power of our choices. We must remind ourselves that we have agency and the power to shift our outlook. We can choose love over fear, worthiness over unworthiness, abundance over scarcity, and freedom over stuckness.

And when we choose more positive feelings and thoughts, we can bring more light and joy into our lives. We can be a beacon of hopefulness for others, inspiring them to choose positivity as well. We can radiate happiness and love. Filled with hope and love, we can have the energy and vision to improve the world.

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